Your first steps with the AI Fraud Detector.
Create an Account
After receiving the invitation link to an organization, you can create your account.
Sign in
Sign in to your account using the username and password you provided during account creation.
Request your Api Keys
Generate your API key from the API keys page.
Set your webhook url
In the organization settings page, set the webhook url that will call after the validation of the entities.
Check the validation criteria
Verify that the validation criteria are configured (there must be at least 3) and suitable for your organization. You can do this from the organization settings page.
Manage the auto-validation
Automate the validation of the entities to speed up the process. You can do this from the organization settings page.
Insert Entities
Insert the entities you want to detect through the API.
Validate Entities
Accept or Refuse the AI’s assessment or modify a validation already made.
Check the webhook call status
After 5 minutes of the validation of the entity, the webhook will be called. You can check the status of the call in the webhook page.
Invite new users to yout organization
Expand your organization by inviting new people from the invitations page.”